3rd Party Technical Pre-qualification & Verification Testing: Mud Company tenders.
3rd Party Technical Pre-qualification & Verification Testing: Sandscreen hardware tenders.
Oilfield Technologies classifies the reservoir pore geometry clay location and type. A pore throat model is built for each reservoir, which allows for the drilling fluid and bridging package to be optimized, to be ‘reservoir-matched’.
Oilfield Technologies reservoir unique pore throat model allows synthetic or library core material to be matched to the field reservoir’s pore geometry. This synthetic core (OT developed Syncores & Syndisc material) is used in the initial testing before highly valuable reservoir core materials are used or synthetic core can be used if no reservoir core is available.
Shale reactivity is measured and classified to aid in the prevention of wellbore instability issues. Drilling fluid compatibility and inhibition properties tested.
A selection of mechanical sieves Canty camera system and laser particle analysers are available to determine reservoir sand characterisation; sandscreen optimisation; bridging package optimisation; LCM.
Large-scale erosion tests rigs, both wellbore production scaled high pressure, big-bore with whole sandscreen sections & screen coupons run. High speed camera system to determine grain velocity just before the sandscreen.
GSET High-rate Gas Sandscreen Erosion Testing.
WSET Water phase Sandscreen Erosion Testing.
A Solarius SolarScan 150NP, a nano-precision surface scanner incorporated into an Oilfield Technologies designed & fabricated gas & water-dominant full-scale sandscreen erosion test rig.
High speed camera system 2,000 – 80,000 frames per second.
LCM designs to develop kill pills for both wellbore & internal sandscreen for well control during completion operations.
Verification of computer models with reservoir matched flow rates and pressure drops
Emulsion forming tendencies at increasing water cuts.
Oilfield Technologies large-bore reservoir-wellbore conditions flow loops use reservoir or synthetic core, at matched annular mud velocity(s) under reservoir-wellbore dynamic conditions. Filtercake formation and dynamic filtration is measured and used to determine the FFF (filtration flood front) ideal to compare with SPAN perforation depth vs. potential for near wellbore damage. Rig operations are replicated where possible with static shut-in periods and displacements. The system can include; additives, breakers, sandscreen(s) & gravel packs. Filtercake lift-off and cleanup is measured. Skin, damage ratio and flow efficiencies are calculated at field matched scaled gas/crude production and bean-up rates. Production gases can be propane, methane or humidified N2 and at higher pressure to match viscosity.
Completion systems and field operations are replicated during Oilfield Technologies Wellbore Condition (WCT) Tests.
Precision balances, aging ovens and a Solarius surface laser scanner are used for evaluating the corrosion inhibiting properties of various fluid additives.
Mud stability & compatibility aging studies are conducted at wellbore temperatures and pressures using bottle testing, high temperature and pressure reactor cells, and Teflon lined hot roll mud test cells. API mud checks, mixing, testing & high capacity HR ovens.
Oilfield Technologies large-bore flow loops incorporates realistic wellbore shut-in times and operations. Current max static shut-in time of 12-months for OHGP’s to simulate opportunity cost for batch drilling.
High pressure injection test cells with triaxial pressure capability to determine fluid-rock compatibility.
Hydrate measurement and detection using Oilfield Technologies cold flow loop technology to simulate the subsurface BOP at mudline temperature and pressure. Quantification of fluid hydrate suppression effectiveness.
Optimisation of the drilling and filtercake treatment processes to maximise injectivity. Long term injectivity impairment studies with varying water treatment and quality options.
Evaluation of lubricating additives to RDIF’s.